UI fixes and new apps
- Fix: fixed README pull mechanism from GitHub
- Added: new feature request for adding helm charts to docker-to-iac [Feature #20]
- Added: new feature request for adding Railway.com to docker-to-iac [Feature #19]
- Added: new feature request to exclude IaC generation for selected cloud providers as per branch [Feature #21]
- Added: Passky-Server - Server for Passky (password manager)
- Added: slash - An open source, self-hosted platform for sharing and managing your most frequently used links. Easily create customizable, human-readable shortcuts to streamline your link management.
- Added: fathom - Fathom Lite. Simple, privacy-focused website analytics. Built with Golang & Preact.
- Added: dpaste - The Django project driving dpaste.org
SVG support for App logo and docs improvements
- Added: extend logo pattern to support SVG - DeployStack Configuration Schema - now you can also use svg as you logo.
- Fix: fix(env): strip quotes from environment variable values in normalization for docker-to-iac module [v1.19.1]
- Fix: fix(env): remove parseEnvironmentVariables utility and simplify environment handling for docker-to-iac module [v1.19.2]
- Update: updated documentation for Application Logo Configuration
- Update: update documentation for Infrastructure as Code Lifecycle
Default Branch Synchronization & Multi-Branch Strategy
We are happy to announce that using DeployStack with multiple branches is possible now. With a multi-branch strategy, you can deploy multiple application versions using DeployStack. E.g.: v2, v1 etc...
Please check this in our documentation here: https://deploystack.io/docs/deploystack/multiple-branches
- Added: Default Branch Synchronization for Template Updates - you can switch now you default branch [Feature #13]
- Added: Automatic Topic Synchronization from GitHub Repositories [Feature #14]
- Added: Automatic Website URL Synchronization for Repository Details [Feature #15]
- Added: Add support for detecting and handling repository default branch changes [Feature #16]
- Added: Support Multiple Repository Versions (branches) for IaC Template Generation [Feature #12]
DeployStack GitHub app improvements and docker-to-iac env changes
- Added: new docker-to-iac release [v1.18.0] - env: enhance environment variable resolution with default values.
- Added: JSON Schema support for .deploystack/config.yml [Feature 8]
- Added: Improve application logo handling [Feature 7]
README.md improvements and new app
- Added: LinkAce - Your self-hosted bookmark archive [Kovah/LinkAce] - [c/kovah-linkace]
Added IaC Lifecycle + GitHub Application
- Added: documentation about IaC lifecycle [Infrastructure as Code Lifecycle].
- Added: GitHub Application to enable auto update on docker-compose or docker run command change [GitHub App Integration].
- Added: .deploystack Directory Reference, for streaming to DeployStack GitHub app [.deploystack Directory Reference]
docker-to-iac update to v1.17.0
- Changed: enabled ReadonlyRootFilesystem for AWS CloudFormation templates. Also removed EFS [docker-to-iac v1.16.0]
- Fix: DigitalOcean image fix [docker-to-iac v1.16.1]
- Added: Server support for DigitalOcean [docker-to-iac v1.17.0]
Advanced Environment Variable Mapping
Adding advanced environment variable configuration in v1.1.0. This release enables custom environment variable mapping during IaC template generation, with support for value transformations and default configurations.
- Added: Environment variable mapping for docker-to-iac [docker-to-iac/releases/tag/v1.13.0]
- Added: listServices: refactor for options, you can now add options, i.e. for env vars to listServices [docker-to-iac/releases/tag/v1.14.0]
- Added: app catalog, added "Report issue with template" link to be able to report broken IaC templates
Add Volume Support
Full volume mapping support for Docker configurations added across AWS CloudFormation (EFS), Render.com (Persistent Disks) enabling all volume types including named volumes, host path bindings, anonymous volumes, and read-only options.
Original request from https://github.com/deploystackio/feedback/issues/1
- Added: Full volume mapping support for Docker configurations across all supported cloud providers
- Added: AWS CloudFormation: EFS integration for persistent storage and multi-container access
- Added: Render.com: Persistent disk allocation with configurable mounting paths
- Added: Support for all volume types from Docker configurations: Named volumes, Host path bindings, Anonymous volumes
- Docs: Updated volume mapping guidance in deployment documentation
- Docs: Added examples for each supported volume type
- Docs: Included provider-specific volume configuration references