One-Click Deploy

DeployStack leverages existing deployment technologies from cloud providers to make application deployment as straightforward as possible.

How One-Click Deploy Works

When you submit your repository to, we:

  1. Generate Infrastructure as Code (IaC) templates for supported cloud providers
  2. Store these templates in our deploy-templates repository
  3. Create provider-specific deployment buttons for your -> by

Template Generation and Storage

Repository Structure

All generated templates are stored in the deploystackio/deploy-templates repository using this organization:

  • Each project gets its own subfolder and branch
  • Naming convention: <github_org_name|github_user_name>-<repo_name> (lowercase)
  • Example: microsoft-vscode for Microsoft's VS Code repository

Branch Strategy

We create a dedicated branch for each project to support one-click deployment functionality:

  • Branch name matches the subfolder name
  • Contains all necessary IaC templates and configurations
  • Enables direct integration with cloud provider deployment systems

Cloud Provider Integration

Current Providers

We integrate with cloud providers' native deployment systems. For example:

Provider-Specific Templates

Each cloud provider may require specific template formats:

  • AWS CloudFormation templates
  • DigitalOcean App Spec
  • Render Blueprints
  • And more based on provider requirements

Using Deploy Buttons

After template generation, you'll receive HTML/Markdown code for deployment buttons by visitig the page.

There are two options you can chose from. The main difference is the deploy url. For the mode "Deploy via DeployStack" the deploy address points to the endpoint, where HTTP status code 302 redirects to the cloud provider one-click deploy endpoint.

In the example below with render:

1. ->
3. ->

Deploy via DeployStack

Link via deploystack deploy endpoint.

  • auto update on One-Click deploy links: if the provider's deploy url changes, we will update.
  • future cloud provider support out of the box: The endpoint makes it easier for us to integrate with additional providers, which benefits your users.
  • deploy statistics for your app: We collect anonymized statistics to show the number of deployments your application has had, similar to npm download statistics.

Example Markdown Deploy via DeployStack

  • static deploy links: if the cloud provider changes the one-click deploy url, the functionality will also be broken. You have to update your manually.
  • no statistics collection possible: you will never know how many people use your project :)
## ⚡ One-Click Deploy

| Cloud Provider | Deploy Button |
| Render | <a href=""><img src="" height="38"></a> |

Deploy Standalone

Direct link to Cloud Provider to enable One-Click depoy.

Example Markdown Deploy Standalone

## ⚡ One-Click Deploy

| Cloud Provider | Deploy Button |
| Render | <a href=""><img src="" height="38"></a> |

License and Usage

All generated templates are available under the MIT License:

Extending Provider Support

Want to add support for another cloud provider? You can:

  1. Contribute to the docker-to-iac module
  2. Add a new provider parser
  3. Implement the necessary template generation logic

Benefits of contributing:

  • All existing projects in our catalog automatically get templates for the new provider
  • The open-source community benefits from broader deployment options
  • Your provider becomes part of the one-click deployment ecosystem

Technical Implementation Details

The one-click deployment process:

  1. User clicks deploy button
  2. Cloud provider loads template from our repository's specific branch
  3. Provider's deployment system processes the template
  4. Application gets deployed according to specifications

Validation and Security

For each deployment:

  • Templates are version controlled
  • Source code is publicly accessible
  • Infrastructure specifications are transparent
  • No sensitive data is stored in templates

Future Enhancements

We're continuously working to:

  • Add more cloud providers
  • Improve template generation
  • Enhance deployment options
  • Support more complex configurations

Next Steps