docker-to-iac module API list

In this page you will find all possible APIs for package docker-to-iac.

List all Parser

To list all available parsers, please use the listAllParsers() method.


import { listAllParsers } from '@deploystack/docker-to-iac';

const parsers = listAllParsers();

console.log('Available Parsers:');


    providerWebsite: '',
    providerName: 'Amazon Web Services',
    providerNameAbbreviation: 'AWS',
    languageOfficialDocs: '',
    languageAbbreviation: 'CFN',
    languageName: 'AWS CloudFormation',
    defaultParserConfig: { files: [Array], cpu: 512, memory: '1GB' }
    providerWebsite: '',
    providerName: 'Render',
    providerNameAbbreviation: 'RND',
    languageOfficialDocs: '',
    languageAbbreviation: 'RND',
    languageName: 'Render Blue Print',
    defaultParserConfig: {
      files: [Array],
      subscriptionName: 'starter',
      region: 'oregon',
      diskSizeGB: 10
    providerWebsite: '',
    providerName: 'DigitalOcean',
    providerNameAbbreviation: 'DO',
    languageOfficialDocs: '',
    languageAbbreviation: 'DOP',
    languageName: 'DigitalOcean App Spec',
    defaultParserConfig: { files: [Array], region: 'nyc', subscriptionName: 'basic-xxs' }

Note the files array: that's because we have a multi file strategy.


listAllParsers(): ParserInfo[]

Get Parser Info

If you want to extract the defaultParserConfig object from a parser, the getParserInfo method is the most suitable for this.


import { getParserInfo } from '@deploystack/docker-to-iac';

const awsInfo = getParserInfo('CFN');

console.log('Available Parsers:');


  providerWebsite: '',
  providerName: 'Amazon Web Services',
  providerNameAbbreviation: 'AWS',
  languageOfficialDocs: '',
  languageAbbreviation: 'CFN',
  languageName: 'AWS CloudFormation',
  defaultParserConfig: {
    files: [
        path: '',
        templateFormat: 'yaml',
        isMain: true,
        description: 'AWS CloudFormation template'
    cpu: 512,
    memory: '1GB'
getParserInfo(languageAbbreviation: string): ParserInfo

Translate API

Translate Docker configurations (both Docker run commands and docker-compose.yml files) into your chosen Infrastructure as Code language.

Function Signature

translate(input: string, options: {
  source: 'run' | 'compose',
  target: string,
  templateFormat?: TemplateFormat,
  environmentVariableGeneration?: EnvironmentVariableGenerationConfig;
  environmentVariables?: Record<string, string>;
  persistenceKey?: string;
}): TranslationResult

Where TranslationResult has the structure:

interface TranslationResult {
  files: { 
    [path: string]: FileOutput 

interface FileOutput {
  content: string;
  format: TemplateFormat;
  isMain?: boolean;


Translating Docker Compose

import { readFileSync, writeFileSync, mkdirSync, existsSync } from 'fs';
import { join, dirname } from 'path';
import { translate } from '@deploystack/docker-to-iac';

const dockerComposeContent = readFileSync('path/to/docker-compose.yml', 'utf8');

const result = translate(dockerComposeContent, {
  source: 'compose',
  target: 'CFN',
  templateFormat: 'yaml'

// Access individual file contents
console.log(`Generated ${Object.keys(result.files).length} files:`);
Object.keys(result.files).forEach(path => {
  console.log(`- ${path}`);

// Write files to disk preserving directory structure
Object.entries(result.files).forEach(([path, fileData]) => {
  const fullPath = join('output', path);
  const dir = dirname(fullPath);
  if (!existsSync(dir)) {
    mkdirSync(dir, { recursive: true });
  writeFileSync(fullPath, fileData.content);

Translating Docker Run Command

import { translate } from '@deploystack/docker-to-iac';
import { writeFileSync, mkdirSync, existsSync } from 'fs';
import { join, dirname } from 'path';

const dockerRunCommand = 'docker run -d -p 8080:80 nginx:latest';

const result = translate(dockerRunCommand, {
  source: 'run',
  target: 'RND',
  templateFormat: 'yaml'


// Access and save all generated files
Object.entries(result.files).forEach(([path, fileData]) => {
  const fullPath = join('output', path);
  const dir = dirname(fullPath);
  if (!existsSync(dir)) {
    mkdirSync(dir, { recursive: true });
  writeFileSync(fullPath, fileData.content);
  console.log(`Created: ${path}`);
  files: {
    'render.yaml': {
      content: 'services:\n' +
        '  - name: default\n' +
        '    type: web\n' +
        '    env: docker\n' +
        '    runtime: image\n' +
        '    image:\n' +
        '      url:\n' +
        '    startCommand: ""\n' +
        '    plan: starter\n' +
        '    region: oregon\n' +
        '    envVars:\n' +
        '      - key: PORT\n' +
        '        value: "80"\n',
      format: 'yaml',
      isMain: true
Created: render.yaml

Translation with Environment Variable Generation

import { translate } from '@deploystack/docker-to-iac';

// Environment variable configuration
const envConfig = {
  'library/mariadb': {
    versions: {
      '*': {
        environment: {
          'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD': {
            type: 'password',
            length: 16
          'MYSQL_DATABASE': {
            type: 'string',
            length: 12,
            pattern: 'lowercase'

const translatedConfig = translate(dockerComposeContent, {
  source: 'compose',
  target: 'CFN',
  templateFormat: 'yaml',
  environmentVariableGeneration: envConfig


input: string

For Docker Compose: The contents of your docker-compose.yml fileFor Docker run: The complete docker run command

options.source: 'run' | 'compose'

Specifies the input type:

  • 'run' - For Docker run commands
  • 'compose' - For Docker Compose files string

The IaC language to translate to. Currently supported targets:Please see the sidebar on the left, section Parsers.

options.templateFormat?: TemplateFormat

Optional. The desired output format:

  • 'json' - JavaScript Object Notation
  • 'yaml' - YAML format
  • 'text' - Plain text

Not all template formats are valid for every IaC language. For example, AWS CloudFormation only accepts YAML or JSON formats. Choose a format compatible with your target IaC language.

options.environmentVariableGeneration?: EnvironmentVariableGenerationConfig

Optional. Configuration for generating environment variable values. Structure:

type EnvironmentVariableGenerationConfig = {
  [imageName: string]: {
    versions: {
      [version: string]: {
        environment: {
          [variableName: string]: {
            type: 'password' | 'string' | 'number';
            length?: number;
            pattern?: 'uppercase' | 'lowercase' | 'normal';
            min?: number;  // For number type
            max?: number;  // For number type

Generation types:

  • password: Generates a secure random password
  • string: Generates a random string
  • number: Generates a random number within specified range

Patterns (for string type):

  • uppercase: Only uppercase characters
  • lowercase: Only lowercase characters
  • normal: Mixed case with numbers

Version matching:

  • Use exact versions (e.g., "10.5")
  • Use "*" for all versions
  • Use "latest" for latest version

Environment variables in your docker-compose.yml must use the <code>${VARIABLE_NAME}</code> syntax to be processed by the generator.

environmentVariables?: Record<string, string>

Optional. The docker-to-iac module supports passing environment variables from .env files to your Infrastructure as Code templates. This feature allows you to manage configuration values separately from your Docker configurations and maintain consistency across deployments.

import { translate, parseEnvFile } from '@deploystack/docker-to-iac';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';

// Read and parse the .env file
const envContent = readFileSync('.env', 'utf-8');
const envVariables = parseEnvFile(envContent);

const result = translate(dockerConfig, {
  source: 'run',  // or 'compose'
  target: 'RND',  // or other supported targets
  templateFormat: 'yaml',
  environmentVariables: envVariables

options.persistenceKey?: string

Optional. The persistenceKey parameter allows you to maintain consistent variable values across multiple template generations

Return Value

Returns the translated Infrastructure as Code template in the specified format. The structure and content will vary based on the target IaC language and template format chosen.

List Services API

Extract service configurations from either Docker run commands or docker-compose.yml files as structured JSON objects.

Function Signature

listServices(content: string, options: ListServicesOptions): { [key: string]: ServiceConfig }

type ListServicesOptions = {
  source: 'compose' | 'run';
  environmentVariableGeneration?: EnvironmentVariableGenerationConfig;
  environmentVariables?: Record<string, string>;
  persistenceKey?: string;


Listing Docker Compose Services with Environment Variables

import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { listServices, parseEnvFile } from '@deploystack/docker-to-iac';

const dockerComposeContent = readFileSync('path/to/docker-compose.yml', 'utf8');
const envContent = readFileSync('.env', 'utf-8');
const envVariables = parseEnvFile(envContent);

const services = listServices(dockerComposeContent, {
  source: 'compose',
  environmentVariables: envVariables


Output with Environment Variables

  "db": {
    "image": "mariadb:11.2",
    "ports": [],
    "command": "mariadbd --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_bin",
    "restart": "unless-stopped",
    "volumes": [{"host": "db", "container": "/var/lib/mysql"}],
    "environment": {
      "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD": "mysecretpassword",
      "MYSQL_USER": "myuser",
      "MYSQL_PASSWORD": "mysecretpassword",
      "MYSQL_DATABASE": "mydatabase"

Listing Docker Run Services

import { listServices } from '@deploystack/docker-to-iac';

const dockerRunCommand = 'docker run -d -p 8080:80 -e NODE_ENV=production nginx:latest';

const services = listServices(dockerRunCommand, {
  source: 'run'



  "service": {
    "image": "nginx:latest",
    "ports": ["8080:80"],
    "environment": {
      "NODE_ENV": "production"


content: string

The input content to parse:

  • For Docker Compose: The contents of your docker-compose.yml file
  • For Docker run: The complete docker run command

options.source: 'run' | 'compose'

Specifies the input type:

  • 'run' - For Docker run commands
  • 'compose' - For Docker Compose files

options.environmentVariables?: Record<string, string>

Optional. Environment variables from a .env file or other source. Used to substitute variables in the format ${VARIABLE_NAME} in your Docker configuration.


const envVariables = {
  'DB_PASSWORD': 'mysecretpassword',
  'DB_USERNAME': 'myuser',
  'DB_DATABASE': 'mydatabase'

options.environmentVariableGeneration?: EnvironmentVariableGenerationConfig

Optional. Configuration for automatically generating environment variable values. Structure:

type EnvironmentVariableGenerationConfig = {
  [imageName: string]: {
    versions: {
      [version: string]: {
        environment: {
          [variableName: string]: {
            type: 'password' | 'string' | 'number';
            length?: number;
            pattern?: 'uppercase' | 'lowercase' | 'normal';
            min?: number;  // For number type
            max?: number;  // For number type


const envGeneration = {
  'library/mariadb': {
    versions: {
      '*': {
        environment: {
          'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD': {
            type: 'password',
            length: 16
          'MYSQL_DATABASE': {
            type: 'string',
            length: 12,
            pattern: 'lowercase'

options.persistenceKey?: string

Optional. A unique key to maintain consistent generated environment variables across multiple calls to listServices or translate.

Return Value

Returns an object where:

  • Keys are service names
  • Values are service configurations containing:
    image: Docker image name and tag
    ports: Array of port mappings
    command: Custom command (if specified)
    restart: Restart policy (if specified)
    volumes: Array of volume mappings (if specified)
    environment: Object of environment variables

Parse Environment File

Parse a .env file content into a key-value object using the parseEnvFile() method. The method handles basic environment file syntax including comments and quoted values.


import { parseEnvFile } from '@deploystack/docker-to-iac';

const envContent = `
# Database settings
# Comment line

const envVars = parseEnvFile(envContent);

console.log('Parsed Environment Variables:');


  "DB_HOST": "localhost",
  "DB_USER": "admin",
  "DB_PASS": "secretpass",
  "NUMBERS": "123456",
  "QUOTED": "value=with=equals"
parseEnvFile(content: string): Record<string, string>