Testing docker-to-iac Module

Before submitting a pull request, test your code locally. Testing covers both code quality and functional aspects for Docker run commands and Docker Compose files.

Running Tests

Code Quality Check

First, run ESLint to ensure code quality:

npm run lint

ESLint must pass locally before submitting your PR, as GitHub Actions CI/CD will block any PR that fails the lint check.

Functional Testing

Run the test suite:

npm run test

The test suite runs comprehensive checks across all parsers and formats. Testing structure:

├── docker-compose-files/   # Test docker-compose files
   ├── file1.yml
   ├── file2.yaml
   └── ...
├── docker-run-files/       # Test docker run commands
   ├── nginx.txt
   ├── redis.txt
   └── ...
├── output/                 # Generated test outputs
   ├── docker-compose/     # Docker Compose test outputs
   └── [filename]/    
       ├── services.json
       ├── cfn/       # AWS CloudFormation
       ├── rnd/       # Render
       └── dop/       # DigitalOcean
   └── docker-run/        # Docker run test outputs
       └── [filename]/    
           ├── services.json
           ├── cfn/
           ├── rnd/
           └── dop/
└── test.ts                # Main test file

The test suite automatically:

  • Tests all parsers listed by listAllParsers()
  • Processes all Docker Compose files in test/docker-compose-files/
  • Processes all Docker run commands in test/docker-run-files/
  • Generates outputs in all supported formats (JSON, YAML, text)
  • Validates parser information and service listing
  • Creates organized output directories for inspection

Adding Test Cases

For Docker Compose

Add your test files to test/docker-compose-files/ with .yml or .yaml extension.

For Docker Run Commands

Add your test commands to test/docker-run-files/ with .txt extension. Each file should contain a single Docker run command. You can use line continuations with \ for readability:

docker run -d \
  --name nginx-proxy \
  -p 80:80 \
  -v /etc/nginx/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d:ro \

Adding Tests for New Parsers

When adding a new parser:

  1. Add Docker Compose test files to test/docker-compose-files/
  2. Add Docker run test files to test/docker-run-files/
  3. The test suite will automatically include your parser in testing
  4. Check outputs in test/output/docker-compose/ and test/output/docker-run/

Test locally using npm link. Development environment setup:

|-- docker-to-iac/
|-- my-dev-env/
|   |-- index.ts
|   |-- docker-compose.yml
|   |-- docker-run.txt
|   |-- node_modules/
|   |-- package.json

Setup steps:

  1. In docker-to-iac/: npm link
  2. In my-dev-env: npm link ../docker-to-iac/

Setting up my-dev-env

  1. Initialize: npm init
  2. Create index.js:
import { translate } from '@deploystack/docker-to-iac';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';

// Test Docker Compose
const dockerComposeContent = readFileSync('docker-compose.yml', 'utf8');
const composeConfig = translate(dockerComposeContent, {
  source: 'compose',
  target: 'CFN',
  templateFormat: 'yaml'
console.log('Docker Compose Translation:', composeConfig);

// Test Docker Run
const dockerRunContent = readFileSync('docker-run.txt', 'utf8');
const runConfig = translate(dockerRunContent, {
  source: 'run',
  target: 'CFN',
  templateFormat: 'yaml'
console.log('Docker Run Translation:', runConfig);
  1. Test changes:
    Make changes in docker-to-iac/
    Run npm run build in docker-to-iac
    Test in my-dev-env/ with node index.js

Test Results

The test suite shows success (✓) or failure (❌) for each test. On failure:

  • Error details are logged
  • Process exits with code 1
  • GitHub Actions fails PR check

Check both Docker Compose and Docker run outputs in test/output/ to verify your parser produces expected results across all formats.