Thank you for your interest in collaborating! The docker-to-iac module will remain open source forever, helping simplify deployments across cloud providers without vendor lock-in.
Parser Implementation
Create a new file inside src/parsers/new-provider.ts:
import {
} from './base-parser';
import { ApplicationConfig } from '../types/container-config';
const defaultParserConfig: ParserConfig = {
files: [
path: 'awesome-iac.yaml',
templateFormat: TemplateFormat.yaml,
isMain: true,
description: 'Main IaC configuration file'
cpu: 512,
memory: '1GB'
class NewProviderParser extends BaseParser {
// Legacy method implementation (calls parseFiles under the hood)
parse(config: ApplicationConfig, templateFormat: TemplateFormat = TemplateFormat.yaml): any {
return super.parse(config, templateFormat);
// New multi-file implementation
parseFiles(config: ApplicationConfig): { [path: string]: FileOutput } {
// Process the application configuration
const services = config.services;
// Your parser implementation here:
// 1. Process each service
// 2. Map container configurations to your IaC format
// 3. Handle provider-specific requirements
// Create your primary IaC configuration
const primaryConfig = {
// Your main configuration structure
// Return object with file mappings - at minimum return your main file
return {
'awesome-iac.yaml': {
content: this.formatFileContent(primaryConfig, TemplateFormat.yaml),
format: TemplateFormat.yaml,
isMain: true
// Add additional files as needed:
// 'templates/service.yaml': {
// content: this.formatFileContent(serviceConfig, TemplateFormat.yaml),
// format: TemplateFormat.yaml
// }
getInfo(): ParserInfo {
return {
providerWebsite: "https://newprovider.example.com",
providerName: "New Provider Cloud",
providerNameAbbreviation: "NP",
languageOfficialDocs: "https://docs.newprovider.example.com/iac",
languageAbbreviation: "NP",
languageName: "New Provider IaC",
export default new NewProviderParser();
Parser Configuration
Multi-File Configuration
Define the files your parser will generate, please read more here: Multi-File Configuration in docker-to-iac.
File Output
Your parser must implement the parseFiles method which returns a mapping of file paths to content:
parseFiles(config: ApplicationConfig): { [path: string]: FileOutput } {
return {
'awesome-iac.yaml': {
content: this.formatFileContent(mainConfig, TemplateFormat.yaml),
format: TemplateFormat.yaml,
isMain: true // Mark one file as the main file
'templates/deployment.yaml': {
content: this.formatFileContent(deploymentConfig, TemplateFormat.yaml),
format: TemplateFormat.yaml
// Add more files as needed
The isMain: true property is required for at least one file - this maintains backward compatibility with existing code.
Supported Ouput Formats
Select appropriate output formats for your provider:
- yaml - YAML format (recommended for human readability)
- json - JSON format (recommended for programmatic handling)
- text - Plain text (if provider requires specific format)
Add Test Files
- Add Docker Compose test files in test/docker-compose-files/:
# test/docker-compose-files/basic-web.yml
version: '3'
image: nginx:latest
- "80:80"
- Add Docker run test files in test/docker-run-files/:
# test/docker-run-files/basic-nginx.txt
docker run -d -p 80:80 nginx:latest
Test Implementation
Your parser will be automatically tested through the main test suite. The test system will:
- Process both Docker run and Docker Compose inputs
- Generate outputs in all formats
- Create organized output directories
Run tests:
npm run test
Verify Outputs
Check generated files in:
- test/output/docker-compose/[filename]/np/
- test/output/docker-run/[filename]/np/
Building and Documentation
- Build the module:
npm run build
- Update documentation:
Add parser-specific information
Document any special considerations
Include examples for both Docker run and Docker Compose
Follow documentation guidelines
- Support both input types:
Docker run commands
Docker Compose files - Handle resource mappings consistently:
Container ports
Environment variables
Volume mounts
Resource limits - Provide clear error messages for:
Unsupported features
Invalid configurations
Missing required fields - Test edge cases:
Multiple services
Complex configurations
Various image formats