Render: Contributing to Render Service Types

This guide explains how to contribute to the service type configurations in docker-to-iac. The service types configuration determines whether a Docker service should be deployed as a web service, private service, or Redis service on

Configuration Location

The service types configuration is stored in:


This configuration is specific to and is not used by other cloud provider parsers.

TypeScript Configuration Structure

The configuration uses the following structure:

interface ServiceTypeConfig {
  type: string;
  description: string;
  versions: string;

interface RenderServiceTypesConfig {
  serviceTypes: {
    [key: string]: ServiceTypeConfig;

export const renderServiceTypesConfig: RenderServiceTypesConfig = {
  serviceTypes: {
    '': {
      type: 'pserv',
      description: 'MariaDB database service - requires private service type due to TCP protocol',
      versions: '*'

Field Definitions

  • serviceTypes: Root object containing all service type mappings
  • Image key (e.g., The fully qualified Docker image name
    • Should match the normalized format from getImageUrl utility
    • For official Docker Hub images, use[name]
    • For user repositories, use[user]/[repo]
    • For GHCR, use[owner]/[repo]
  • type: The Render service type
    • pserv for private services (databases, message queues, etc.)
    • web is the default and doesn't need to be specified
  • description: A clear explanation of why this service type is needed
  • versions: Version matching pattern
    • Use "*" for all versions
    • Future: Will support semantic version ranges

Contributing Guidelines

  1. Identify the Need
    • Service fails when deployed as web type
    • Service requires TCP/private networking
    • Service is a database or backend service
  2. Determine the Correct Image Name
    // Use the getImageUrl utility to find the correct name format
    const imageUrl = getImageUrl('mysql:5.7');
    // Returns:
  3. Add Your Configuration
    • Add a new entry to the renderServiceTypesConfig object
    • Include a descriptive comment explaining the service type choice
    • Follow the TypeScript interface structure shown above
  4. Submit a Pull Request
    • Fork the repository
    • Add your changes to service-types.ts
    • Create a pull request with:
      • Clear description of the service
      • Why it needs a specific service type
      • Any relevant documentation links

Example Addition

Here's an example of a good service type addition:

export const renderServiceTypesConfig: RenderServiceTypesConfig = {
  serviceTypes: {
    // Existing configurations...
    '': {
      type: 'pserv',
      description: 'PostgreSQL database service - requires private networking for security',
      versions: '*'
    '': {
      type: 'pserv',
      description: 'RabbitMQ message broker - requires private TCP communication',
      versions: '*'

Service Type Categories

Private Services (pserv)

Common services that should use pserv:

  • Databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB)
  • Message queues (RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka)
  • Cache services (except Redis)
  • Backend services that don't serve HTTP traffic

Web Services (web)

Services that should remain as default web type:

  • Web applications
  • Frontend services
  • Application servers

Getting Help

If you're unsure about:

  • Which service type to use
  • How to format the image name
  • Whether a service needs a specific type
