Environment Variable Generation

The docker-to-iac module includes a system for handling environment variables, with a focus on database images and services that require secure credentials. This feature automatically generates appropriate values for environment variables and can maintain consistency across multiple template generations.


When working with databases and other services that require credentials, you often need to generate secure passwords and consistent configuration values. The environment variable generation system:

  • Automatically generates credentials and configuration values
  • Maintains consistency across multiple template generations
  • Handles version-specific variable names
  • Supports different variable types (passwords, strings, numbers)

Configuration Structure

Environment variable configurations are defined using a JSON structure that maps Docker images to their version-specific environment requirements:

type EnvironmentVariableConfig = {
  [imageName: string]: {
    versions: {
      [version: string]: {
        environment: {
          [variableName: string]: {
            type: 'password' | 'string' | 'number';
            length?: number;
            pattern?: 'uppercase' | 'lowercase' | 'normal';
            min?: number;  // For number type
            max?: number;  // For number type

Usage Example

Here's how to use environment variable generation with a MariaDB container:

import { translate } from '@deploystack/docker-to-iac';

// Define environment variable generation configuration
const envConfig = {
  'library/mariadb': {
    versions: {
      '>=11.0': {
        environment: {
          'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD': {
            type: 'password',
            length: 16
          'MYSQL_USER': {
            type: 'string',
            length: 8,
            pattern: 'lowercase'
          'MYSQL_PASSWORD': {
            type: 'password',
            length: 16
          'MYSQL_DATABASE': {
            type: 'string',
            length: 12,
            pattern: 'lowercase'

// Your docker-compose.yml content with variable placeholders
const dockerComposeContent = `
version: '3'
    image: mariadb:latest

// Generate templates with persistent variables
const result1 = translate(dockerComposeContent, {
  source: 'compose',
  target: 'CFN',
  templateFormat: 'yaml',
  environmentVariableGeneration: envConfig,
  persistenceKey: 'my-unique-key'  // Use this to maintain consistent values

// Generate for another provider, reusing the same variables
const result2 = translate(dockerComposeContent, {
  source: 'compose',
  target: 'RND',
  templateFormat: 'yaml',
  environmentVariableGeneration: envConfig,
  persistenceKey: 'my-unique-key'  // Same key ensures same values are used

Variable Types

Password Type

Generates secure random passwords:

  "type": "password",
  "length": 16  // Optional, defaults to 16

String Type

Generates random strings with specified patterns:

  "type": "string",
  "length": 8,  // Optional, defaults to 8
  "pattern": "lowercase"  // Optional: "uppercase", "lowercase", or "normal"

Number Type

Generates random numbers within a specified range:

  "type": "number",
  "min": 1000,  // Optional, defaults to 1
  "max": 9999   // Optional, defaults to 1000000

Version Matching

The system supports semantic version matching:

  • Version ranges: ">=11.0", "<=10.5"
  • Exact versions: "10.5", "11.2"
  • Wildcard: "*" (matches any version)
  • Latest: "latest" (matches latest version)

Example with version-specific configurations:

  "library/mariadb": {
    "versions": {
      ">=11.0": {
        "environment": {
          "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD": {
            "type": "password",
            "length": 16
      "<=10.5": {
        "environment": {
            "type": "password",
            "length": 20

Persistence Key

The persistenceKey parameter allows you to maintain consistent variable values across multiple template generations:

  • Use the same key when generating templates for different providers
  • Generated values are cached and reused when the same key is provided
  • Different keys will generate new sets of values
  • Keys should be unique to your specific use case

Important Notes

  • Only variables using the ${VARIABLE_NAME} syntax will be processed
  • Variables without corresponding config entries retain their original values
  • Generated passwords meet common security requirements (mixed case, numbers, special characters)
  • String patterns affect the character set used in generation
  • Version matching uses semantic versioning for comparison
  • The persistenceKey should be unique to your specific deployment scenario


  • Only supports public Docker Hub images currently
  • Cannot generate values for build-time variables
  • No support for complex variable dependencies
  • Version matching requires valid semantic versions